Monday, February 28, 2011

...a birth journey...

A year ago at this time my amazing husband and wonderful Doula were helping through the most life changing and empowering night of my life! I'm really anxious to share my birth story here, but until then, I will leave you with a favorite picture of mine from that beautiful if only I could find the rest of them :)


Sunday, February 27, 2011

A due date...

First of all, I have to comment on the fact that my first and only post was 7 months and 8 days ago. I have had good intentions of keeping a cyber record of life in Autumn's world, but unfortunately those good intentions never made it too far. But, lets put that behind us and move forward. :)

My little pixie is almost a year old!!!! It is amazing to me that she could be one. I have been thinking and dreaming of the day when she will be one, and yet it still doesn't seem like it could be possible. It's really a bizarre feeling, I'm still getting used to the fact that I am somebodies mother! A year ago today was my due date. I had been cooking my little bug for 40 weeks, to the day (according to the Doctor man). It was also the only time Chris and I have ever been to IKEA together. That was a disaster, and a whole other story. Anyway, it really got me thinking how much can happen in a year and how much I have grown. And as my stretch marks fade, I am reminded of how precious time is and how quickly things come and go (including my 50 pound pregnancy weight gain). And even though I remember me before knowing my little pixie, I cannot remember ever not loving her. Love is truly an amazing gift and it is truly an amazing life as Autumn's mom!

Me at 40 weeks